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What is Pilates and its Benefits

Julia Shapoval Photo
Updated: Mar. 07, 2019
What is Pilates and its Benefits Photo 1

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There are different ways, which can help you to be fit and stay healthy, one of them is morning walk or run, training in a gym or doing exercises at home to master pilates - simple and open system of exercises to strengthen your core.


Pilates is similar to yoga (actually they are absolutely different) but mostly highlights the body core, it challenges it by sculpting your muscles, turning them in a nice dancer-look. Every movement has its name, besides Pilates method is very popular among celebs such as Megan Fox, Mandy Moore, and Reese Witherspoon, these are a couple of Pilates starlets.

First, this method of workouts was developed by Joseph Pilates in the early 20th century for rehabilitation casualties. During the First World War, these workouts were the key to strengthen and stretch the muscles of soldiers. Establishing perfect breathing, concentration, and flowing movements, Joseph tried to make a perfect body, cause believed in a great and deep connection between mental and physical health.
Joseph told: "When I am dead, everyone says "he was right".

Pilates focuses on your core and builds rather flexible, strong and lean muscles than a bulk of muscles. It is really convenient, especially for women! Exactly because of the core focus, Pilates is an excellent thing for rehabilitation, the exercises make to work all the muscles, which encompass the core area and, this is essential, this focus will prevent back, neck and joint pain.


First, this is a universal method of workouts, it is proper for all people who want to have a beautiful, slim and flexible body, age, the level of fitness training and sex doesn\'t matter. It is allowed even for pregnant women, this is how it is simple and useful.

The benefits of Pilates are endless and really great, the Pilates movements produce strong and lean muscle tone without creating a bulk of muscles. You can see a slim, flexible and greatly improved body in a short time. These workouts provide alignment correction, so you will move with better coordination, sit straighter and stand taller.

One more benefit is that you'll feel the inner power, this workout is something really new that will able you to train yourself and have the best result, using your time absolutely effectively.
Pilates method works excellent like stress relief and it is not about meditation, this is just the bond between body and mind, which gives freedom from stress.

This is the type of workouts, which will fill you with energy instead of tiredness, your mind will be clear and body strong.

Pilates workouts influence positively on all your body systems, thus you'll find that your digestion system is improved, metabolic rate is increased, health and immunity are shielded.

Ready to get hold of a beautiful, slim, flexible and healthy body? Start now Pilates!

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