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Simple Food Products That Will Make Your Hair Strong and Healthy

Julia Shapoval Photo
Updated: Nov. 01, 2018
Simple Food Products That Will Make Your Hair Strong and Healthy Photo 1

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The way we look depends upon lots of different factors. These are the lifestyle we stick to, the bad habits we have, the stress level we face every day and, of course, the foods we consume on a daily basis. While we can’t change the prevailing amount of these factors, we can do a lot when it comes to our nutrition. So, if you have recently noticed that your hair has lost its strength and gloss, try to include the food products mentioned below into your everyday ration and watch the result!

1. Dairy Products

Milk products contain the required amount of nutrients and vitamins to make your hair shiny and strong. Experts recommend drinking at least 1 glass of milk per day because it contains almost a quarter of the daily norm of calcium. If you don’t like milk, you are welcome to choose other dairy products, which are also rich in probiotics and other microelements.

2. Bananas

We have already so got used to bananas that we don’t value the benefits they offer. Meanwhile, bananas are rich in biotin. This vitamin does not only regulate the functioning of the human nervous system but also has a positive effect on the condition of your skin, nails, and hair. These fruits also contain silicon, which strengthens hair and stimulates its growth.

3. Soy

Do you know that keratin constitutes 97% of your hair? Keratin is a protein substance, rich in vitamins and microelements. No wonder, you tresses require proteins to maintain gloss and health. As far as soy is one of the best sources of protein, experts insist on regular consumption of soy products. Unlike meat, these products do not contain any harmful substances, like cholesterol, adrenalin or hormones, which makes them healthy and useful as well.

4. Whole-Grain Bread

If you like bread and consume it every day, give preference to the whole-grain bread. This is because it is rich in fiber, which regulates the functioning of the colon, lowers the level of cholesterol in a human blood and improves the nutrient intake. This bread also includes the group B vitamins, such as biotin and panthenol, which have a positive effect upon the condition and look of hair.

5. Beef Liver

Beef liver contains all those nutrients and vitamins your hair needs. These are proteins, group B vitamins, vitamin A, Ferrum etc. It is not a secret that if hair lacks Ferrum, it becomes dull and brittle. Experts recommend buying fresh beef liver, which should be cooked right after the purchase. In this case, it preserves all the nutrients and vitamins.

6. Sea Fish

Sea fish contains so many fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E) that you won’t be able to find such an amount of them in other products. Apart from that, this fish is rich in microelements, which are great for your hair. These are proteins, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, and iodine. It is desirable to consume sea fish at least 4 times a week to have strong and healthy hair!

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