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Mint Essential Oils

Victoria Buriak Photo
Updated: Mar. 07, 2019
Mint Essential Oils Photo 1

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Mint, in both forms, as an oil, and as a herbal form has many uses in medicine, cooking, and
health. There are different types of mint that are used for different purposes, peppermint,
spearmint, and cornmint, now let's examine all theirs therapeutic properties but first, we'll make a
little journey through the historical usage of mint.


Mint has a wide and colored history, Biblical references to mint tell about high value that mint
possesses, its value was equal to anise and cumin. In Ancient Athens different herbs were used to
scent different body parts and mint was basically used to scent arms.

The mint history was introduced to Europe by Romans. In the 14th century, one can find historical
versions of toothpaste with the usage of mint for whitening teeth.
Spearmint was also added to milk to prevent its curdling and keep it fresh. There are also
mentions in the history that mint was used to get rid of hiccough and flatulence.

Since there are different types of mint oil, you must know more detailed about them.


This type of oil is the most popular and common type of herb and mint nowadays. Its leaves are
so aromatic, this type also includes black peppermint and white peppermint, these both herbs
have different flower and leave color.
Peppermint oil contains menthol and menthone and is used for aromatherapy for acne, dermatitis,
asthma, bronchitis, digestive problems, colds, and headaches.

Use carefully peppermint oil, it may cause skin irritation, because of the high amount of menthol.
Be careful, don't use peppermint oil around newborn babies, otherwise, it will cause difficulties with


Spearmint has bright green leaves and pink flowers, it is native to Mediterranean mint, cause it
was transported from there.
Unlike peppermint oil, it is not high in menthol and menthone, so it can be used with children. Do
not combine spearmint oil with homeopathic treatments and it is contraindicated for pregnant
Use this oil for digestive problems, respiratory problems, colds, headache and insomnia.


It is smaller than peppermint and has a lilac colour. Cornmint oil high in mentol as well as
peppermint oil and also has almost the same aromatherapy uses. This oil was traditionally used
in China to fight with a number of problems, especially problems with skin.

Mint essential oil is commercially available but you can make it at home, it will take some time but
this will bring a great benefit to you and whole your family.

Use this natural way of treatment, hardly nature will present you something harmful but still be aware of the other side of the coin, which is an allergy.

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