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Fly Lady: The System That Will Help Clean the House in 15 Minutes

Julia Shapoval Photo
Updated: Mar. 07, 2019
Fly Lady: The System That Will Help Clean the House in 15 Minutes Photo 1

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A clean house, where all the things are in order, is a cherished dream of many women. Being constantly busy at work, they often fail to keep their house belongings in order, which results in the conflicts, misunderstandings and other stressful situations. For those women, who would like to successfully combine their work and house affairs, the specialists have developed a superb innovative system known as Fly Lady. Have you heard about it already? If not, then it is high time to find out more about it!

Fly Lady System: What Are the Basics?

The Fly Lady system was developed in 1999 by Marla Silly – an American housewife from the North Carolina. An idea of quick and effective house cleaning came to her mind when she realized the necessity to clean her house from all the unneeded clutter. With this purpose, she has developed her own method of house cleaning, which has surprisingly become popular among the housewives all over the world.

The result of the system will be effective if you devote a certain amount of time (not more than 15 minutes) to cleaning a particular zone in your house. It does not really matter, how busy you are, you can always find 15 minutes to clean a specific area in your living room, bathroom or any other place.

The basic principle of the system implies doing everything with pleasure, loving yourself and your home. Having started doing something about the house, you should not forget about all the other things you have planned for the day. The clutter in your house has been accumulating for a long period of time, so you won’t be able to get rid of it, even if you wish to do that in an hour or so. Cleaning your house from the unneeded items should be a consistent task. Keep in mind that replacing the things you don’t use and need anymore is not the best solution. Your task is to throw it away, without any regrets. This is because old things don’t bring any use, but they take much place as well as your energy needed to handle them. Having thrown them away, you will not only make your home clean but will also drive energy to it.

Elements of the Fly Lady System:

Everyday Zone Cleaning

Divide your apartment or house into zones. Devote attention to each zone every week, be it kitchen, living room, hall, kids room, bathroom, bedroom etc.). 5 days a week clean the selected zone thoroughly but don’t spend more than 15 minutes. Choose a separate item (a shelf or a dressing table, for example) and clean it thoroughly.

Everyday Routine

Everyday routine is a list of things you have always done before. Now, it is high time to organize them. Make plans for each day, but try to do the most important household chores in the morning.

Weekly Home Cleaning

Devote one day per week to cleaning the entire house thoroughly. This should include vacuuming, wet cleaning, dust removing, floor sweeping and what not.

Get Rid of Clutter

As mentioned above, do not keep clutter in your house. If you are not sure that you will need these things, throw them away.

Pay Attention to the Problematic Zones

Right after the dinner games with kids or household chores, try to keep everything in order. Wash up the dishes, make your bed, put the things in order.

Look Gorgeous!

A Fly Lady should ALWAYS have a gorgeous look! You should dress and look just like you are going to go somewhere. Do not forget about the shoes! You can put on the snickers or any other shoes you like just to feel unusual and beautiful.

That is all about the Fly Lady system. It seems pretty simple, doesn’t it? Just get used to these rules and make them your everyday routine. The result will come in due time!

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