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Does Hard Workout the Best Way for Weight Loss

Victoria Buriak Photo
Updated: Mar. 07, 2019
Does Hard Workout the Best Way for Weight Loss Photo 1

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Dieters may often be confused by the question how hard to work out for weight loss and it is rather reasonable, cause for a successful weight loss program you need to combine different ways. There are different levels of workouts and exercises, law, medium, and high-intensity levels. First, decide how to start, if you are a beginner you have to start from the low level and move forward, be careful, you may harm your health.

When your muscles are weak you are not allowed to start from high and even medium level, start from the level, which is convenient for you, thus you will take harder and harder exercise and keep slimming down.

Now learn the benefits of each exercise intensity level, choose those you need to start with and also learn how to combine all of them to make your own effective fitness program.

Law Level Intensity Workout for Weight Loss

It may sounds, funny but every day, you may not even notice it, you are doing some low-intensity workouts. For example, when you are taking your dog for a walk, when you are in a hurry in a supermarket and move quickly between food raws or run over across the road catching a cab. There are enormous ways how you can take this law intensity workout, go for a bike ride with kids, go bowling with friends, go shopping with your best friend. All these are called low-intensity workouts for weight loss.

This level of workout increases your heart rate but not to that point that you breathe heavily, you feel comfortable and you are able to continue exercise during a long period.

What about its benefits...The first and the most important is that you can do it all the time and a lot. On this level of exercises, you increase the burning of the total amount of calories, low the stress level and get rest after harder workouts.

Moderate (Medium) Level Intensity for Weight Loss

Most experts recommend this level to stay both healthy and slim. But if you are new to this program, you\'ll probably be confused does your exercise belongs to the moderate level or not.

Physically you must feel like you are working so hard that you are tired but not so much that you need to take a break and have a rest. This level is necessary for you if you want to see moderate weight loss, for this spare 150-250 minutes for exercise per week. If you want to prevent weight gaining after you have lost weight, spare no less than 250 minutes for workout per week. Of course, you must be engaging in moderate level intensity if you combine both diet and exercise.

The benefit of this level is that you can maintain the calorie burning for a longer time, it lowers stress and increases the metabolism process.

High-Level Intensity for Weight Loss

The most effective exercises on this level are those with a short period of time. The work is too hard, so you need a good and substantial recovery after it. You breathe deep and don't feel like continue to work out more than few minutes.

These are short exercises, which last from 30 seconds to 1 minute with 30 seconds recovery period. Now you know what level is the most essential and effective for weight loss. It is unbelievable how fast you may lose the weight and burn calories in a short period of time.

Still, this level is tricky enough, cause only people with strong health may become its participants. It puts your at high risk of harm.

Combine different levels of workouts, if you are strong and healthy enough take high level exercise twice a week, on the days following take law level intensity to get rest but keep slimming. It is vital, cause it is useful for your health and helps you to lose weight properly. Try to make moderate level exercise time longer, cause the benefit you get from this level depends on the duration but not from its intensity.

Don't forget about diet, make sure you eat healthy food full of protein and fiber, all the necessary fruits and vegetables to fill your body with fuel.

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