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Best Dishes to Be Cooked for a Picnic

Victoria Buriak Photo
Updated: Oct. 10, 2018
Best Dishes to Be Cooked for a Picnic Photo 1

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Spring and summer are the best seasons most people adore, due to the warm weather, sunlight, fresh greenery around, open air and other aspects that are typical for this time of the year. No wonder, people in large cities tend to go for a picnic as soon as they have free time and the opportunity to relax in the circle of people they love.

When you go for a picnic, you have to prepare lots of things in advance. One of the most important points on your list is, definitely, the food. And it is quite understandable because fresh air contributes to a nice appetite and you have to be very attentive when choosing the most suitable dishes for such a pleasant occasion. You can pack food in your rucksacks or in a special picnic cooler – it is up to you to decide what option to go for. But what about the dishes? Which of them will not get spoiled and will please your loved ones?

Actually, any food is consumed with appetite in the fresh air. This is especially true when it comes to dishes cooked on a grill or on the open fire. So, cooking something at home is not a must. Grilled or fried vegetables, mushrooms, meat, poultry or fish with the aroma of smoke will be an ideal choice!  

The choice of the best products and dishes for a picnic also depends upon the age and preferences of people, who will rest with you. If there are many kids, you should take care of the issue in advance, cooking healthy and nutritious food for them.  Anyway, the dishes should not be complex. If you wish to cook something tasty at home, then pancakes, sandwiches with cheese or meat and light salads will be a nice choice. All kinds of simple appetizers will work great as well!

If you know that your friends or relatives like pizza, you can order it as well. Among other dishes that will be a good choice for a picnic and won’t take much time to be cooked, we can mention the following: vegetable Carpaccio, mushroom and vegetable salads, sandwiches with pate, meat and cheese etc. You can cook these dishes at home or take the ingredients with you and cook them right before the picnic starts!

Speaking about the beverages, you can take a bottle of wine or beer for the adults and juice for your kids. Do not forget about water, because it should always be at hand.

Whatever you decide to cook for a picnic, it will be filled with memories if your loved are around! Enjoy your rest and healthy meals in the open air!

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